All Solutions for Insomnia Sufferers - 2

Method Four (Physiological): Make Your Legs Tired Before Heading Home

Many might have experienced this type of insomnia where you feel mentally exhausted, but physically, you're not tired at all. Then, you end up scrolling on your phone until your body also feels tired, leading to a night of sleep that feels as if you haven't slept at all.

I believe this happens because you're not active enough during the day, possibly sitting for 8-9 hours at work. By the time you get home, you're mentally drained, but physically fine, which creates a conflicting state when trying to sleep.

My suggestion is to walk around a park or your neighborhood if possible. I don't recommend running, especially for those who have long suffered from insomnia and might be somewhat physically weak. Running could make you exhausted at home and still unable to sleep, increasing your anxiety.

It's best to simply walk in a nearby park or lie on the grass. This alone can greatly relax your mood. Additionally, walking enough to tire your legs can help, as many know how sleep comes easier when your legs are tired.